Ranch Life

From city life to country life. Our joys, challenges and vexations. You are invited to jump in and share your experiences and offer advice with encouragement.

Location: Texas, United States

Want more? http://www.flickr.com/photos/ burntbiscuitranch/ Carolyn Simons Manka on Facebook Website: BurntBiscuitRanch.com

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Raintree / Photo by Sevenapples Photography

Happy Birthday to her!
Her wishes were few but powerful.
First she wanted a healthy grandson delivered this month.
Second she wanted rain.
She has been very good this year.
Grandson was born pink and healthy and, oh, so adorable.
She will begin the spoiling when she takes a trip to Virginia to see him soon.
But first, that rain she asked for needs to stop. Over 7" has fallen on Burnt Biscuit Ranch and the clouds are building as she writes.