Ranch Life

From city life to country life. Our joys, challenges and vexations. You are invited to jump in and share your experiences and offer advice with encouragement.

Location: Texas, United States

Want more? http://www.flickr.com/photos/ burntbiscuitranch/ Carolyn Simons Manka on Facebook Website: BurntBiscuitRanch.com

Thursday, April 24, 2008

She says "goodbye" to Canela and one last kiss from him.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It is time to say "goodbye".
Canela Fina, their beautiful Peruvian mare, is leaving them to live in Virginia.
She will be missed by everyone at Burnt Biscuit Ranch, equine and human.
Even Purrball, one of their barn cats, will miss her as they have become good buddies.
Canela came to Burnt Biscuit Ranch three years ago and has given smooth rides, comforting nickers and gentle nuzzles as her way of communicating her trust and love for her handlers and riders.
Happy trails, Julie!