Ranch Life

From city life to country life. Our joys, challenges and vexations. You are invited to jump in and share your experiences and offer advice with encouragement.

Location: Texas, United States

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

Oro Noble'

This is one fine horse.

On a busy day with delivery people and repairmen coming and going, the perimeter fence was left open.

While giving instructions to the carpet cleaners, she noticed Bullet was wondering around the back of the property, not in his pasture. UhOh. Where is the colt? She ran out back. Not in his pasture and that gate is wide open too.

Her worst fears were realized when she saw him out on the main road which is a good 1/8th. mile from the gate.

She ran across the front of the property, calling his name. He looked up and ran straight down their narrow lane, right to her.

Horses get nervous and excited when loose and out of their element. They certainly do not run to whoever is calling them. Typically, they are approached slowly and 'herded' back to where they have escaped from. Oro Noble' truly is one fine horse.


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